“We at Community Gospel Chapel
are everyday people who are
growing in the Word of God and
are committed to being led by His
Spirit to reach others with Christ’s
unconditional healing love.”
Healing Family, Healing Culture
Our church is moving forward into its next season, embracing our mission: “Every person in
ministry”. To this end, we seek to empower the members of our congregation to use their God given gifts to bring Christ’s healing love and wholeness to
individuals and families on Salt Spring Island.
We believe that our heavenly Father is a good Father, and that Jesus came to reveal the Father to a fatherless world.
We Believe that Jesus is the Son of God, co-equal and co-eternal. Who came to reveal who the Father is, and the only way to Him. He Came. He lived a sinless life. He Died for our Sins. He rose again. He invited us into intimate and loving relationship with Him.
Holy Spirit
We Believe that after Jesus went up to heaven, he sent the Holy Spirit. We believe that the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit are for today!